What’s Included
- Green #1 & #2:
These instruments are for use around the distal wall of the window. As the elevation is carried distally, the elevation will be accomplished on the facial wall (buccally), across the floor and to the medial wall (nose).
- Green #1 & #2:
- Yellow #3:
This instrument is for use on the superior and inferior walls of the window. When used on the inferior aspect of the window, the elevation will be carried across the floor to the medial wall (nose). This instrument can also be used around the mesial wall of the window.
- Yellow #3:
- White #4, #5, #6:
These instruments are universal. The #4 is excellent for removing the bony spicules around the window. The #5 and #6 can be used for elevating along the buccal wall towards the posterior wall.
- White #4, #5, #6:
- Red #7 & #8:
These instruments are to be used on buttresses located in the distal 1/3rd of the sinus. The tips of the instruments should always be curved enough so the tips remain on the bone as they slide around and behind the buttresses.
- Red #7 & #8:
- Black #9:
This instrument is for use in the mesial 1/4th of the sinus when the window cannot be prepared anteriorly (i.e. bicuspid teeth are present).
- Black #9:
- Brown #10:
This instrument is appropriate for soft tissue flap reflection. The wide end is used either up or down to elevate the lining on a medial wall (nose) which bulges into the sinus space.
- Brown #10:
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